An open-source, cross-platform terminal for seamless workflows
Or, How You Bring Your Own LLM to Wave · What is BYOLLM? At Wave, we wanted to ensure that users have a choice around whatever AI tools they bring to...
Shaping the Future of the Terminal · At Wave, we love the terminal. Even after 40 years, it's still the best tool for working with code and managing...
The Wave Terminal team is excited to release Wave Terminal v0.7.0, a significant update designed to enhance your development workflow through...
HeavyBit’s Generationship Podcast: Reimagining The Terminal, conversation between Rachel Chalmers of Heavybit and Mike Sawka of Wave Terminal · Creator...
The problem with command line history and how we're trying to fix it · Command line history revolutionized the way we interact with shells ever since it...
What if your command line terminal could display more than just text? That’s crazy, right (I can hear the screams of thousands of graybeard...